Wednesday 25 August 2010

Flower Collage

This is a bit fancy for me!
It started when I saw a flower made with the stamped image of a watch face as the centre….. that got me thinking, as I have a box of watch faces on my shelf (it’s a long story, but I once went to an antiques fair and a gentleman had a few watch faces in a dish on his table, when I asked how much they were he said “A fiver, but you’ve got to take the whole lot”  …….. the whole lot turned out to be two big washing up bowls full of old watch bits ….. it was a fantastic find.  I used most of the bits at school for collage, but kept the faces).
The flower, made using a scalloped circle Nestabilities die set, had been stuck to the tele on my desk for months as I didn’t know what to do with it, until today …… I have used a spacer and pearl brad to hold everything together.
The wooden heart with music on was meant to be stuck on a peg, for another project, but it sort of went with what I was doing ant the music paper was from some old score books that I rescued from a skip!
This was all made while I was trying to tidy upstairs ….. sometimes I get an idea in my head and just have to go with it.
DSC00677 DSC00674


  1. Wow another great creation. I always like to stamp watch faces for new year cards. How great would they be if I used real watch faces. Now on the look out for those. Thanks Helen.

  2. Helen, this is lovely, so romantic. It would make a great wedding card espescially with your wedding march manuscript. You make me titter, i can just envisage you hanging over the edge of the skip,lol.

  3. Hahaha @ Di!
    This my new favourite of your creations, its absolutely beautiful!

  4. WOW!! I absolutely looove this card - it is gorgeous and I am so glad you showed us it today - you have inspired me to try something with the flowers I made too and didn't know what to do with them !! xx

  5. Beautiful as always! More fussy than usual - I like it - a lot!

  6. What a lovely card. I think it would be great as an anniversary card with something about "time spent together" on the inside.

  7. Helen - this is way out of your usual zone - but it is truley stunning. I love it, the flower, the watch face - the story of the watch faces, everything.

    Paula x x x


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