Monday 20 September 2010

Halloween Trick or Treat Sweetie Bags

Halloween Sweetie Bags using Accessorize Stickers
I LOVE Accessorize for their stickers and I LOVE my sister Jan for going looking for them for me.  Look what they’ve done for Halloween, how cute are they?
Accessorize Halloween Stickers Trick or Treat stickers from Accessorize
I know I’ve shown these sweetie bags before, but I just love making them using different stickers etc. to go with various celebrations in year and to see how different they can look.
Trick ot treat sweets.candy
Trick or Treat sweets.candy 2
I’ve used Elizabeth Shaw mint crisps and my Stampin Up punches to make them. On one side I have used the stickers and on the other handwritten “Trick or Treat”
Stampin' Up circle and scalloped circle punches
Sometimes it is very hard to use Accessorize stickers and then give what you have made with them away, but what’s the use of having drawers full of lovely things you’ve only looked at but done nothing with.
Halloween Sweetie bag 2 Halloween Sweetie. Candy Bag
I have put the sweets in pretzel bags/lollipop bags which can be found on e-bay:-
Tag on Halloween Sweetie bag Trick or Treat Sweetie bag 2


  1. Helen...I thought the mummy chocolate bar was my favourite but now.....these definitely are they look amazing.

  2. your so talented *gives look of jealousy*.


  3. These look great. Accessorize have some fab stickers.

  4. I'd love to shop at your local Accessorize - the one in our town centre is useless - no stickers at all... and horribly expensive :( Secondly... I'm so coming knocking at your door this halloween *lol*

  5. Yummy, Yummy, Will have to make some of these, they look so great. Thanks


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