Sunday 19 September 2010

Tesco Advent House Update 2

Things are progressing well after a very slow start.

Picture 004
All the drawers are covered (with  Basic Grey, Jack Frost, Blitzen) and after three coats of Modge Podge Sparkle they are really twinkly in a subtle rather than bling type way.
Picture 008
The knobs are on too, but imagine my dismay when I found that I was one short, aghhhhhhh, they are so fiddly to do, but spraying another knob (a Poundshop wooden bead) is my next job. As you can see I have glued them on alternatively, top right, bottom left, just for a bit of variety.
Picture 012
I’ve also started on the bottom right hand panel, adding snow using white glitter paper, I think I am going to put a snowman in this space …… if I can find a really cute enough one.
Picture 006
I’ve also started on the roof but I am not too sure ……… it looks flat and something is missing…….


  1. Helen it'snlooking great so far,maybe you could find a non tacky santa and sleigh for the roof.Easier said than done than hey. Di.x

  2. This is coming along beautifully - the colour is lovely; all frosty and wintery. The sparkly Mod-podge has given it a perfect finish.

    Toni :o)

  3. How about footprints leading up to the chimney or a roosting bird or two? It really looks lovely already.

  4. This is looking great. I've noticed people chatting about these houses on UKS and I was wondering what they looked like!

  5. It looks fabbi hun! How about some 3D white paint on the roof, you could have glitter drifts! Or icicles? xx

  6. The top of Santa's hat disappearing through the chimney - footprints... definitely a robin somewhere - maybe a ladder? Possibly too much there *lol*
    It looks BEAUTIFUL!

  7. It's looking beautiful love all the the father Christmas footsteps on the roof...a chimney and a robin...soo many ideas :)

  8. Looking great. You'll soon be using it - these days are whizzing by.

  9. Awesomely beautiful! Worth the fiddle-farting!


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