Friday 15 October 2010

Christmas Shopping Jotter

Christmas Shopping List Notebook
Everyone needs a shopping list at Christmas, and this is one of the first things I’ll be wrapping up and putting in my many pocketed Advent Calendar this year.
Shopping List bits
The base is a Morrison's jotter, which I’ve covered with a digi design paper and a few strips of white glitter paper (for the snow).  I’ve also used some black Glitterati stickers for the snowman’s eyes and mouth. The pencil is from a miniature set from Paperchase and the lettering is just using up odd self adhesive letters.
Christmas Shopping List Notebook 2
The snowman and background paper are a download called Little Joys from:- I think it cost $6.99 (about £4.50).
Christmas Shopping List Notebook 3
If I had a shopping list like this I would have to write in my best handwriting for fear of spoiling it!


  1. Another great gift idea Helen.

    Toni :o)

  2. I love this idea. I made one using my cinch and left over lined paper i had lying around for a relative over from oz. She was saying how she had so many grandies (grandchildren)she would struggle remembering which shop she saw a good present in for which grandie so thought a jotter would help. I need to make one to go in my new gorjuss girl bag to match my new gorjuss girl diary.
    H xx


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