Thursday 14 October 2010

Halloween Pumpkin Favour Tin

Halloween Pumpkin Favor Tin
The small metal tins that I have used for this idea were not one of mine and Lisa’s best buys.  They came as a pack of wedding favours from Hobbycraft, and were quite expensive and neither of us have used them since we bought them about a year ago, until now that is ……
Picture 535
As I am really into Halloween at the moment it suddenly dawned on me that the tins were the ideal shape for pumpkins, so I drew round one and made a very basic template.
pumpkin template Picture 428
And then it all sort of came together.
Halloween Pumpkin Favour Tin
A couple of wobbly eyes and a bit of doodling with a white and black gel pen and Pete’s your pumpkin! Now, what can I do with the other 23 tins …..?
Halloween Pumpkin Favaor Tin
My next conundrum is what to do with about thirty of these mini jam jars that I have collected from various hotel stays, in a Halloween or Christmas  type way!
Picture 536


  1. Love your pumpkin tin - such a neat idea. Not sure what you can do with the jam jars cos they are quite tiny, aren't they.

    Toni :o)

  2. How about filling with white jelly beans and then stacking to make a snowman??

    Love the little tins, I am sure you will come up with a fab idea for the rest.

  3. you Helen...I'm laughing because I too have lots of mini jam jars! *Ü* I use them to keep my brads in so nothing comes to mind for another idea - as yet. I have used my larger jam jars for sweeties for my Halloween party and printed labels from Martha Stewart's site. I have licorice twists and mint humbugs in them. I LOVE your pumpkin tin. At first I thought it was a plastic face. The gel pens give that 3D effect...and I thought you weren't 'into' Halloween! LOL. TFS. ~Glen~

  4. Found your blog recently and am loving it - such great ideas! How about a countdown to Christmas with all those little jars?

  5. Helen - you could put tiny white mints (like Tic Tacs in the U.S.), then decorate for Christmas. You could call them "Snow Drops" (for a bit of Christmas on your tongue)or some such thing. They would be very cute little stocking stuffers and small enough to keep in a purse.

    Love the pumpkin tins. Somebody will love to receive those!

  6. I thought you would like to know you get a little mention in my blog today :) All nice I promise.

    Thanks for sharing :)



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