Tuesday 26 October 2010

HobbyCraft Baubles – Shopping Alert!

Last year I made these baubles to give instead of cards to special people.
Picture 613
I found these in HobbyCraft a couple of weeks,ago,  there are 12 in a box for £1.99 and are made by Darice.  They don’t have the iridescent shimmer that the Paperchase ones I originally used have and they are slightly smaller.
Picture 612
But I have several ideas in mind for them.


  1. I'm buying these ones next week and can't wait to put words in them !!!
    I'm going to make little boxes for them and give them out as presents

  2. I found some in the 99p shop. A pack of 10 gold irridescent some with gold angel hair already in them. The openings r quite small though so you might need to open them a bit more by cutting teh top off. HTH someone x


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