Monday 25 October 2010

Objects of Desire ……..

An extra post today ...... No “What’s In My Shopping Bag” this week, with Christmas coming, I really am trying to rein in my spending, especially as I really do have enough Christmas bits and pieces for this years festive crafting …. so I have turned my thoughts to my “Objects of Desire” especially after my sister sent me a link to this site when my levels of desire sky rocketed!   Click on each picture for a link .
I want desire need everything …….
glass-display-dome-with-stand-3353-p glass-cloche-huge-4269-p[ekm]133x200[ekm]
I’ve always had a long felt want  for a beautiful  display dome! birds-on-branches-fridge-magnets-4107-p 
And the bird on a branch fridge magnets are just too lovely, I’d get a fridge for my craft room to justify me having them!
……. and their jewellery is exquisite ….. the porcelain bird necklace just needs to be round my neck!
A girl has to dream …………….. !


  1. Mmm great link - I really liked the top hat light shades and the upside down plant holders. Jaqui x

  2. ooooh yummy i'm desireing them too!

    i love the glass dome idea too...i actually have the sugar flowers from my wedding cake in a huge glass dome and it reminds of the day every time i look at it! ahhhhh :0)

  3. Oooo, there are some lovelies there; aren't there. Love that glass cloche.

    Toni :o)

  4. Hi Helen, I have seen you posting over at MSE and just had to come over to your blog, it is wonderful!

    Just wanted to let you know (if you didn't already) that Primark have a lovely necklace with a little white bird on. It is a thin silver chain with the bird and two other tiny pendants, one is a pink rose, can't remember the other. It is lovely, I am under strict instruction not to buy myself anything before xmas otherwise it would be mine right now!
    Better still it is only £1.50.

    Hope that is helpful x


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