Tuesday 22 February 2011

Decorated Peg Fridge Magnet Tutorial

I made a lot of the peg fridge magnets  a couple of Christmas’s ago, but someone who wasn’t a crafter asked me how to make them, so I thought I would do a little tutorial on them.
pegs pva 
You’ll need some Poundshop pegs (usually in packs of 100) and some PVA glue.
Anitas Self Adhesive RibbonMagnets
Some ribbon, for ease I’ve used Anita’s self adhesive ribbon (99p per pack – with careful cutting you should be able to cover 24 pegs with one packet) and some magnets (available from HobbyCraft either in small packs, a foam sheet or self adhesive tape).
Plus anything you like to decorate the pegs with, I’ve used wooden beads from a 99p wooden bead set from Home Bargains.
Picture 005
Cut the ribbon to size and stick down on the peg.
Picture 006
Glue the magnets on the open end of the peg.
Picture 008
When the magnets are dry, turn the peg over and decorate the reverse side (directly over the magnet)
Picture 012
I’ve added a few wibbly wobbly eyes and some flat backed gems as an extra fiddle fart>
Picture 014 Picture 015


  1. Oooh Thank you for a fab. tutorial. I have had pegs stored away for an age with the intenetions of doing crafty things with them .. but failed miserably, they are still sitting in the side wings!
    Carole x

  2. Thanks for the tutorial. The adhesive ribbon is perfect for the job. They look great.

  3. Great idea - definately one to remember for school holidays!

  4. these always sell well at craft fairs and school/church fates thanks for sharing big love marc

  5. Sorry to sound so stupid - so you only put the ribbon on one side and the back has the magnet on and nothing else?

  6. Thank you for your fab tutorial, love the ladybugs!!! Will defo have a go at some!
    Joanne x

  7. Your not stupid at all Happy 123 its good to ask we all start somewere you decorate the front in any thing you like paper, paint glitter, fabric , ect and put the magnet on the back if you want to paint the backs you can but as they are not seen that much its bit of a waste of time ,You can also get magnetic tape and magnets on ebay hope that helps big love marc

  8. A great project, thanks for sharing. I wish we had a home bargains close to us :(

  9. What a cute idea !!! thanks for sharing xxx

  10. Simples! lol
    These will be great for the school fair in the summer :) Thankyou for sharing your brilliant ideas xx

  11. Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us all!! Have a nice weekend! x


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