Wednesday 23 February 2011

Popcorn Tags

Picture 205
These tags were made for friends daughters 16th Birthday Sleepover.
Picture 202 Picture 206
I’ve used a digi download design from for the base of the tags and with a bit of computer jiggery pokery managed to add each girls name on each one.
I’ve used Decocraft Glistening Snow Writer to give the popcorn extra dimension, but to be honest I am a bit disappointed with the texture and would have preferred the more puffier effect that I have had from other similar products.


  1. Oh Helen .. They are totally fabulous. I hope the girls had a fab. time.
    Carole x

  2. Fab tags, i`m sure the girls will love them! Hugs xxx

  3. They look great, they'll love them x

  4. They look great!! a perfect touch to a sleep over!

  5. Fab tags - love how you have personalised them.

    Have you tried Woodware Fluffy Stuff? I have tried various snow writers in the past and not found them very good but someone pointed me to the fluffy stuff and it is brilliant - it comes in various colours as well as white and it doesn't seem to dry up in the tube once opened like other products seem to do.


  6. Just found your blog completely by accident and gotta say - love your blog title, made me laugh out loud, can't wait to delve deeper xxx


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