Tuesday 15 February 2011

Help Taking Pictures …. Help for Shelia …

Sheila in the Chatbox asked about taking pictures of cards etc.  I wasn’t much help, but follower Marc has come to the rescue with a couple of really good tips,  he says ……
This website shows you how to build a simple home photo studio to take better pictures:-http://www.diyphotography.net/homestudio/cheap-homemade-diy-studio-no-lighting-needed
Or you can buy a small ready made studio for £17.99 at
Or you can buy a small ready made studio like this one for £17.99 from http://www.mensgiftshop.com/acatalog/home_photo_studio_large.html
Thank you Marc.
I got my home studio from Maplins …. but I have to admit to hardly ever using it  …. perhaps I will have another play with it now.


  1. I am inspired to knock up my own home studio now. I havent been happy with my photos so maybe this is the answer but I dont want to spend too much!

  2. Thank you - a whole post just for me! Am going out today looking for the kit to make my own mini studio! Ta again.

  3. Wow, 17.99??? I think I paid 30 something for my maplin one...


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