Wednesday 9 March 2011

I’ve had a bit of a shock!  I’ve had a monthly subscription to download designs with Silhouette for two and a bit years now.  However of late I haven’t been that impressed by the designs so the money in my account had built up a bit.

I’ve had a couple of messages from Silhouette saying that my subscription was due for renewal and offering me a discount code for a further 10% of my downloads. However, I decided not to renew my subscription straightway, but to use the funds in my account over the next few months for any designs that caught my eye.

Imagine my horror when I logged on to find that I only had $0.08 in my account when I thought I had at the very least enough to cover $90 plus in downlads at $1.99 each.!  I am not at all pleased!  Where has my money gone?  I thought it would just carry over until it was all used up!

I have sent Silhouette an e-mail asking what the dickens is going on and will keep you up to date when I get a reply. If anyone has had anything similar happen to them could you let me know please.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly the same has happened to me this week! I had $78 in my account and like you I was saving for any future downloads.I can't find anywhere it says they clear your account if you don't renew your subscription. I have to say I was a bit gutted!!!!


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Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.