Wednesday 9 March 2011

Scalloped Squares

This isn’t a finished project, it’s something I made for a friend to put on a baby basket she was putting together.
Felt scalloped squares with name
I’ve used fairly small scalloped and plain square dies from two Nestabilities sets.  I don’t use my Nestabilities half as much as I should because the effect you can get from so little time and effort is brilliant.
Scalloped Squares for name - nestabilities
I’ve stuck a plain square onto a scalloped one, and then added different sized/coloured letters from a Papermania self adhesive alphabet set. I have finished the squares off with faux stitching using a white gel pen and a flat backed gem flower on each letter.
Nestablities scalloped sqaure name
If I had more time, I think I would have punched very small holes on each scallop part to give a lacy effect, but at the time, speed was of the essence!


  1. They look very effective

    Toni :o)

  2. love those diys you can do so much with them and the largest diy and the next one down are perfect for doing your nine square cards i also love the fact you can cut another smaller square out of the base matts that are going to be covered so you dont waste card stock also make great frames worth the money i would say fab project looks great big love marc

  3. This looks really pretty and obviously didn't take you very long, I'm really enjoying your posts they are giving me lots of inspiration x

  4. How lovely! Really striling... love it!


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