Tuesday 31 May 2011

Butterfly Panel

Butterfly Heart
A while back my mum and sister came back from a day out and said they’d seen a panel covered in butterflies that they were sure I could make.  This is what I have come up with from their description.
Butterfly Heart 2
I used a faux suede panel, part of a set of three from Home Bargains (£ 1.99).  I made a heart template and drew round it.
Butterfly heart 1
Then I covered the heart with what seemed like 100’s of punched butterflies, each one having three very sparkly clear flat backed gems down the centre and a tiny bit of hologram glitter.
It all looks a bit flat in the picture which doesn’t really do it justice. The panel looks better from a distance and in the sunlight the gems and glitter twinkle beautifully (if I may say so myself!).


  1. Lovely as usual Helen, it opens up the possibilities of different large shapes and punched shapes :o)

  2. Wow, there's a fair bit of fiddle farting gone on there. You must have loads of patience to assemble this. It looks fab. xx

  3. Great card, I'll bet it's stunning in 'real life' with all of those little gems on it! must've taken you forever to stick them all on!
    Joanne x

  4. This is so beautiful! Can you tell me what glue you used please, helen? xx

  5. What a lot of work with the gems.I plan to do a picture using the butterfly idea in a box frame.I want to do it out of coloured magazine pages`through.
    Love the heart.

  6. This is gorgeous Helen, it would make a beautiful and unusual gift - hope you don't mind if I take inspiration?

  7. Look i think i can post a ho fab again have no idiea why i could not but i am loving all the makes
    can you imagine this in foil or glitter/ paper black&white card old news papers i could go on and on i love it big love marc

  8. Helen, i live in Chester and i saw a similar hearts panel in Harriette and Dee for £40.

  9. I'm making this one that was an idea sheet in hobbycraft.I love yours too though, might do both!!It must be a trend:)



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