Wednesday 1 June 2011

Tim Holtz Stamps & Ranger Inkessentials Memory Frames

Tim Holtz Time Anonymous Stampers
I’ve wanted some Memory Frames for ages, but when I eventually got them I was afraid to do anything with them, what am I like?  I have seen so many exquisite projects on other blogs and  just didn’t think I could produce anything to compare.  But finally I have done something, which I will be happy to wear.
I’ve used a 2” x 2” Ranger Inkessentials antique copper memory frame (MEM21698)
ST-COM004 lgpics_memframes
I’ve  stamped, in black StazeOn,  Tim Holtz’s, Stampers Anonymous ATC  stamp Time (COM004) - £4.99,  onto a faint text print patterned paper,  trimming it down to size to fit the frame.  After this I used Plaid blending chalks with my finger to add a little colour. The finishing touch was a miniscule amount of Hero Arts Hologram micro glitter, which I applied apprehensively, praying it wouldn’t look too much, but  thankfully the result is quite subtle.
Anonymous Stampers Tim Holtz Time
So, I have conquered another crafting fear, I just need to get a little more adventurous ….. and my next target? To use one of the  Inkessentials Memory Capsules I have put away and go all dimensional!


  1. Its lovely, quite gothic but the subtle glitter lifts it up, clever you!

  2. amazing! loving the Tim holtz stamp! I thought you were scared of stamps? be scared no more, you're a natural!

  3. How could a crafting genuis such as yourself ever be nervous or afraid of creating something? Everything you turn your hands to is a pleasure to see - you really have an amazing talent!

  4. love it would look fab with a few clock parts stuck around the outside very steam punk your one very talented lady i love your works of art


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