Wednesday 8 June 2011

A Surprise From Docrafts!

DoCrafts Goodie Bag
Oh my life, I never expected anything from the Docrafts Royal Wedding Card Challenge, I thought being in the July edition of Creativity Magazine was exciting enough, but look what the postman brought me this morning ….. how WONDERFUL, lots of bits, all from the latest ranges, including Tulip and Me To You plus a pack of Papermania 12 x 12 Kraft card which I have a feeling is going to be really big for making cards this Christmas …… well, it is going to be for me anyway, I just love Kraft card!


  1. thats a nice surprise but i thought they should have sent you some thing for being up there in the top slots well done you i would have given you first prize big love marc

  2. First place from me too. how lovely to get a prize out of the blue. Well done Helen.

  3. Oh how wonderful....can't wait to see what creations you make from these.

  4. Well done Helen - the cards you made for the challenge were lovely.

    Karen x

  5. Enjoy your surprise goodies, your card was fab! xx

  6. what a fabby surprise - quite right they should have treated you though... enjoy playing - can't wait to see what you show us. xxx

  7. Awwww... How wonderful to receive such a nice surprise. Look forward how you use in future projects. The 12x12 kraft card is on my wish list.
    Carole x

  8. Ooh congratulations, I am a big fan of kraft card too. Lovely goodies.

  9. congratulations must try and enter some competitions as they say youve to be in it to win it


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