Thursday 21 July 2011

Felt Flower Card

Felt Flower Card
This card was a bit of an experiment but it’s turned out pretty ok. The card measures 16cm x 12.5cm and is made using a ribbed effect kraft card. When I came to do the leaves I just couldn’t find a paper that went with green background, so  in desperation and with a chance of ruining the card,  I tried using Ranger Glossy Accents instead of paper and I am chuffed with the results.


  1. Thats really effective. I must try using my bottle of glossy accents more. Hugs Mrs A.

  2. geat idiea fab card big love marc

  3. And 'chuffed' you should be too - it's so cute!
    The problem I have when people show me crafty things with felt, is that I want to reach out and touch the fluffy, soft felt... some people don't like you doing that *lol*

  4. love the card, very effective.
    I've only recently discovered glossy accents but its fast becoming one of my favourite things to use! :)

  5. Great card the leaves ... the experiment really worked.

  6. Combination of the soft felt and the hard gloss is great. xx

  7. I so love Ranger Glossy Accents at the moment ..... I am must use it every day .... but one little bottle goes such a looooooong way!

  8. was a fab effect and well done for taking a chance, I used it last night n added glamour dust whilst still wet and that worked well.

  9. Fab idea with the glossy accents - I think it may actually take over the world one day with its amazingness.


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