Friday 22 July 2011

End of Term Fairing Gifts

Happy Holiday Keyrings
At the end every school year I always make what my beloved Mother In Law used to call little “fairing gifts”, something small and inexpensive, but with a little thought put into them, for all the staff I work for.   Most years it’s been something of a sweetie/eatie type nature, but this year I decided to use almost all of the HobbyCraft blank keyrings I got a couple of weeks ago.
My Mind's Eye Stella & Rose Papers
I’ve used some of my favourite My Mind’s Eye Stella and Rose paper (from the Gertie stack) which fortuitously is double sided, so not much fiddle farting needed there. Then to finish them off I’ve just added a Happy Holidays tag.  I’ll slip these into everyone’s pigeon hole on the last day, making sure that there is one left over for me!


  1. Your so kind i hope all that love and kindness comes back your way a 100x over your a very special person big love marc ps did i say i liked them i have a web site that sell key rings in bulk might be cheaper than were you get them big love marc

  2. It's the little things that mean a lot. xx

  3. These are lovely!!..and you are truely a very kind and generous person ..i do hope your colleagues show their appreciation!
    i must try and get hold of some of these ,or something similar ,to make with the school children for their Mums n female relatives for Christmas presents..xx


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