Friday 22 July 2011

My Beautiful, Beautiful Picture

I am so chuffed, in a totally overwhelmed type way …. and  I apologise as you’re all probably bored stiff of it, but this is my favouritist picture that I took on my trip to the Czech Republic back in February.  Not everyone’s choice of subject matter know, but it is very me!  I decided to have it put on canvas as a present for my mum ….. but I am not sure that I can let it go now, so I will probably have another one made for me.
Picture 716
It measures 40cm x 30cm (12” x 14”) and cost £39.00 from  Photo-Canvas.  The colour is wonderful and the detail is exquisite, you can even see the tiny pieces of frost that were on the top of her head.  The only bit of touching up was done by me, before I sent the picture off to Photo-Canvas, and that was to remove the tree branches directly behind her. It brings back every single tingly feeling that I had when I first saw this beautiful statue standing on her own in the snow in a tiny cemetery, where it was so cold it hurt!
  Picture 711
It was so cold that the frost had formed, what I thought looked like the feathers of an angels wings.
Picture 276
For more details check out ……. I’m already planning my next picture …..


  1. The feathers in the snow are beautiful x

  2. Stunning, Helen - I love the pure blue of the sky!

  3. Wow ...the frost formation is amazing . I can see why you love and are moved by that picture ...I like the slightly further away shot even better ..but thats me.

  4. simply stunning picture, so calming,i love pics of the frost, it all feels so magical to me.x


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