Monday 17 October 2011

Halloween Bath Bubbles

Call me sad, but I love to “work” a theme on special occasions and seeing  if I can carry it out throughout the house!
Halloween Bath Bubbles
So these are my Halloween bath bubbles … I have used old oil bottles found at a carboot sale for 20p (the lot) and filled them with different coloured bubble baths, which I have found tend to keep separate when put in the same bottle, especially if one is of a cream variety.  The colours that I have used are weaker than I would have liked, but the effect is quite pretty.
Halloween Bubble Bath
I’ve cut the labels out of self adhesive paper using a nestabilities label die and have handwritten the names. The finishing touches are made by wrapping coloured string round the top of the bottle with odd filmo beads attached and a few embellishments stuck on with a glue gun.
I think I am going to try this again at Christmas with red, green and white bubbles …. I

1 comment:

  1. Thats fabulously spooky ,your imagination is so wonderful,well done,as usual,Helen


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