Tuesday 18 October 2011

Halloween Trick or Treat Bags - Apple Bobbing Bon Bons

Mr Simms Apple Bon Bons
I really, really, really wanted to call these something really gross like snotballs but I didn’t want to offend anyone …. so in the end, finesse got the better of me and they will hence forward be known as Apple Bobbing Bon Bons! 
andys nokia 463
I prefer to use wrapped sweets for my projects, but with these it was not possible so I have donned my pink plastic gloves so they remain untouched by human hands.
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I’ve used my Stampin’Up punches to make the tags and a few of this years Halloween stickers from Accessorize (£1.75)
The apple flavoured bon bons come from Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe and cost 99p for 100grams.


  1. i like the first name and i think with it being Halloween you could have got away with it lol big love Marc

  2. Fab idea but I agree with Marc about the name LOL

    Toni xx

  3. Great treat bags, the kids must love coming to yours on Halloween

  4. I love the name 'snot balls' not offensive at all. These are great little gifts, my daughter would love it (apple bon bons are a favourite) xx

  5. snot balls, dried frogs, blind beggars eyeballs, booger balls.... not offensive at all *lol*
    Brilliant!... again :)

  6. lol love your names Bubbles i will use some of them big love marc


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