Sunday 18 March 2012

My Mums Mother’s Day Card

It’s become something of a tradition now that on “Special Days” I show you the card that my profoundly handicapped brother Stephen has “made” at his unit …..
2012 Mothers day card
This year he has gone for “the more the better, if it’s on the table, then use it” style of card making, with an extra large dollop of glitter for good measure!
Mothers day card 2012
When Stephen comes home on his bus and the coach guide hands my mum a large lumpy envelope it is always an exciting and slightly emotional occasion. We are under no illusions that Stephen has contributed much towards the card, but we know that he has sat beside his member of staff at the table and watched them putting it together for him. They have probably put a flower in his hand, guided it to where it should go and then helped him press it down, talking to him all the time, the thought of which brings a tear to your eye. His staff are so wonderful, their patience and caring holds no bounds ……. and we cannot thank them enough and I just don’t think they will ever know how much these cards mean to us. 


  1. yet another wonderful card and i must say on trend it has lots of flowers which are still big Helen who can really say just how much he takes in but from a basic level he will know the warmth and security of his care team and most of all a mothers love that i think it is in our nature to instectively know that safety and love his cards always make me cry with pride and a happy mothers day to you and all and may the love you give unconditionally come back to you a 1000x over big love Marc

  2. What a wonderful card your brother has made. More, surely, can never be too much where love is concerned especially where our mums are concerned. I hope that both you and your mum have a wonderful mothers day. Louise xx

  3. A wonderfully beautiful card that is very special, how much or how little Stephen put in doesn't matter the fact that he sat and took part in creating it is wonderful and yes very emotional, my Autistic daughter hand drew me a Mothers Day card and gave me a cuddle which had me in tears - and then i read Marcs comment and cried again!!!. I hope you and all your family have a wonderful Mothering Sunday Hugs Lou xx

  4. got a huge lump where my tonsils should be.....! x x x

  5. What a lovely post - never has 'it's the thought that counts' meant so much. x

  6. What a beautiful card from a beautiful soul!

  7. Absolutely beautiful card Helen, and a lovely post from you today too. OK, so where's me box of tissues. Di xx

  8. Can't say anymore than everyone has already said Helen. Beautiful, beautiful card Helen - I am sending huge big (((HUGS))) to you all - now pass the Kleenex!

    Lynda xxx

  9. What else can you say except PERFECTION !!!!


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