Monday 19 March 2012

Park Your Yarn–Wolverhampton

My daughter Lucy came home the other day with a carrier bag containing some wool, a pair of size 4mm knitting needles, a crochet hook and a leaflet containing  knitting instructions and details about the “Park Your Yarn” events organised Wolverhampton Art Gallery in  March and April.

In April St. Peter’s Gardens, which is in the centre Wolverhampton, is going to be turned into a “Woolly Wonderland”, with knitting and crochet created by lots of  local people.

Well it would be rude of me not to take part wouldn’t it?  So I am planning on going to one of the free knitting/crochet events on 24th March at the Art Gallery and St. Peter’s Gardens. 
Park Your Yarn
I am not going to do anything fancy, I’m just following their bench pattern which involves casting on 25 stitches and knitting until it measures 30cm, which, when joined up with lots of others will be used to cover one of fifteen park benches ……. how exciting!!   I plan to take lots of photos of my afternoon plus more when the whole project is completed if you’re in the area why not join me knitting needles akimbo!
Park Your Yarn.


  1. What a brilliant idea - would love to take part in something like this.

  2. i bet it will look fab hope it dont rain as the wool might shrink lol great that your doing it take lots of pictuers big love marc

  3. Sounds like a fun event - alas, I am not a knitter, my tension always goes to pot! xx

  4. What a fun idea Helen - look forward to seeing the photos.

    Toni xx


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