Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Las Vegas Wedding Card

This card is A5 in size and is made using white linen effect card.
Las Vegas Wedding card
Oh my, this makes your eyes pop.  I’ve used an image I found by Googling “Las Vegas Wedding” and then have made a simple decoupage layer for the middle part of the cake. It doesn’t show up very well in the photo but I’ve used Ranger Glossy Accents on all the yellow icing to add texture, dimension and over the top glitz.
It took a bit of computer jiggery pockery to put the wedding couples name on the chips, which were then cut out and covered with more Glossy Accents.  A too garish for me …. but it so suits the occasion!


  1. VERY Las Vegas! Perfect lyric choice and the chips are a great added touch...Dianne

  2. Fab! Brings back memories for me - I too got married in Vegas! xx

  3. Love the fact that is so over the top. So is Las Vegas!!!! Louise xx

  4. the gang above said it all were would you other wise go pastel and lace with a satin bow i think not you were so show girl with this and it works big love marc


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