Friday 1 February 2013

Nail Art Meets Poundland Paperweight

Polymer Clay Nail Art Paperweight WholePort. PaperweightThis idea was a total, total experiment …. I loved the polymer clay nail art fruit wheel WholePort sent me, the fruit “slices” were sooooo cute,  but I just couldn’t see a way of using them on a card etc. as they were so small ….
WholePort …… then I remembered the Poundland DIY paperweights I still have stashed away and wondered what would happen if I filled the bottom with Anita’s 3D Clear Gloss Finish and all the polymer clay shapes (except the strawberries)……half hoping that it might turn out looking like a Poundland version of a posh millefiori paperweight!!!!!
Polymer Clay Cane Paperweight WholePortIt took several hours to set and until the cloudiness had cleared I didn’t know if it would be a success or not.
WholePort Nail Art paperweightWell, it did go clear and it did harden …. and then I got to thinking again … what it I apply a coating of Hunkydory Diamond Sparkles ultra fine glitter to the back to sparkle between the gaps in the fruit ……???  I was so frightened I was just about to ruin an afternoons “fiddle farting” …..
Polymer Clay Cane nail art paperweight WholePortBut it worked, and I am so chuffed with the overall effect.  The paperweight set came with a self adhesive velvet backing so all the "gubbings" can't be seen so it looks like a proper expensive paperweight!  I am now wondering if I could try something similar with other small,  thin embellishments …. perhaps some stars on a dark blue background ……


  1. Your paperweight is beautiful! I could see these on a brooch, done much the same way. Now that would brighten up some drab coats or jackets!

  2. What a brilliant paperweight! must be so pleased with it. I need more imagination when shopping lol

  3. Love this! And how cute are those teeny little sliced fruit pieces? I love some of the designs of paperweights but I wouldn't use them to actually hold down paper, lol. (I thought this one was a phone case when I first saw it). This is a lovely thing to have on display though, can't beat a bit of sparkle! :)

  4. Stunning Helen! You must have the patience of a saint - and it paid off big time. Those little fruit slices are so, so cute. Hugs, Di xx

  5. Wow, this looks great! I want some of those paper weights!

  6. Totally gorgeous, Helen. I love it! x

  7. Love love love love this idea, it turned out brill!!

  8. Helen, this is great, absolutely fabulous, I love it.

  9. WOW its fab and you could try doing it on the back of the micoscop slides as well or do you still have those pendent frames i sent you thay would look good i have some here if you dont big love marc

  10. Fabulous idea! I have some of those fruit slices... I'm off to google paperweight kits now! xxx


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