Saturday 2 February 2013

Card With A Very Personal Touch!

This card is A5 in size.
Favourite Things cardf
I don’t take many “commissions” for cards because in the past I have found that people were getting more and more demanding on what they wanted on a card and they were just too much work, though I hasten to add, they are usually thrilled with the end result.
work in progress
When I agreed to do this card I didn’t quite expect the number of photos and “favourite” things sent via e-mail to be included to be quite so erm …. plentiful, but felt obliged to use them all …….. Just arranging them and putting them together on the computer (using both Publisher and CraftArtist Professional)  took over two hours ….. but there again I am a perfectionist and for me it had to look balanced.
Favourite things card
Once happy with the design I printed it off six times on thin card, so that I could put plenty of simple decoupage layers in for definition.   I covered the bottles with Ranger Glossy Accents and Australian map, and Stampin’Up Dazzling Diamonds round the penguins to add texture and a bit of bling,  and finally a few punched hearts to bring it all together. Not my sort of thing to be honest ….. but I think I hit all the right notes and got the tone right!


  1. Blimey a lot on the card. Should think the recipient will be thrilled.

  2. a lot of work but I bet she will love it, I do

  3. Looks wonderful. What a lot of work though.

  4. love what you have done and i love craft artist if peps dont know it they should look it up ,the card is very special as it really will be a one of a kind big love marc


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