Friday 8 February 2013

The Revamping Of My Craft Room ….

My Craft Room has been the tattiest and most battered room in the house for quite some time, it was the children’s room when they were small and has undergone many changes over the years, to suit a variety of purposes,  including,  at one stage,  being painted wall to ceiling in navy blue!!my craftroomAnd when I moved in … it just got a cursory and very rough lick of magnolia, which was then hidden by a whole variety of display shelves and pin boards.
So before Christmas I finally decided that enough was enough and that I would have it “done” …. a proper paper and paint job, nothing fancy, just very practical.
In preparation for this momentous event,  I started clearing out like there was no tomorrow, I have been soooooo ruthless, but I am hoping that the local charity shops will be pleased with the mountain of bags, full of bits,  that I decided ….. I didn’t need anymore, will never use again or didn’t have a clue what to do with …… this will now be an on going task,  as my intention is to continue to gradually pare down the stuff I chose, for now, to keep …..
Revamped Craft Room….. because I could craft 24/7 for the next 50/100 years and would still have paper and packets of embellishments left unused!  In away, having so much had become a bit of a burden …..  but now I feel some of that burden has been lifted, if that makes sense?
New Look Craft RoomI have changed my work area round completely, so that I now work  in quite an enclosed and compact space, with everything I use on an almost daily basis like my computer, printers, cutters and the contents of six sets of drawers close at hand.
craft room work areaI have also been ruthless with all the stuff that was on the walls and, for the time being,  will keep them pretty bare, until I decide what will eventually go back. It’s very much a blank canvas, but I want to avoid it looking cluttered and bitty again and becoming a dust trap. I was given quite a few shadow/memory boxes for Christmas …. so I think I am now going to work on finding a few special pieces to put in them.
Craft Room.There are still a few bits to do,  like fitting a blind and a new brighter ceiling light, and this corner (above) ……  where the shelves containing all my "bit boxes” used to be ...……. I think the shelves will go back, even though I have managed to contain the boxes, since my “spring clean”  in the cupboards below. But the work surface and the cupboard doors need some sort of attention as I don’t want to replace them at the moment ….. so I am thinking about Decopatching them …. which will add a lot of colour and a bit more “me” to what is, admittedly,  at the moment a very bland room …… it’s just making the first move and sticking the first piece of Decopatch paper down!!!


  1. Oh,my land, what a wonderful transformation! You would die if you saw where I craft - in a dark corner of the unfinished portion of our basement! Pipes overhead, concrete block walls, cement floor, only one electrical outlet, etc., etc.

  2. You are doing a wonderful job, I am sure your feeling of 'lightness' will inspire many, myself included, to have a clear out! I love the idea of decoupage for your cupboards, I love that look! Well done it is looking marvellous. X

  3. Really loving your new craft room. Bet you are full of ideas to brighten it up and I love the idea of the decoupatching on the cupboard doors.

  4. Cor - what a lovely transformation... my craft room still isn't quite right but I'll keep battling away at it... think I need some of those filing drawers like you have!

  5. i to have had a sort out of some bits the hospital gets lots but i also gave lots of paper and stickers to the local play school which they loved love your idie of decopage big love marc


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