Sunday 22 December 2013

Bejewelled Christmas Trees – Perhaps Next Year

I was in the Dentists Surgery awaiting my turn for the drill, when looking through the magazines, as you do,  I saw an article by Kirsty Alsop about Jewelled Christmas Trees after she had  seen book by Bobi Hall called Classic Jewelled Pictures …… now how up my alley is that?4f13a63f420e8_89253nWell, I couldn’t wait to get home to have a “Google” and this is part of another article I found ………
“What could be more lovely than a lighted, jewelled Christmas tree picture to highlight your holiday decorations? What could be a more delightful way to enjoy your beautiful but old and out of style or broken jewellery you haven't worn for years, but can't bear to throw away!"
As owner of Bobi's hobby in Alhambra, California, Bobi Hall was a successful business woman, craft teacher and popular guest on TV's "Creative Living". Bobi was thrilled at the chance to be one of Hazel Pearson's guest artists as she had built her business on much of the knowledge she had gained from hazel's "extensive variety of craft books".
In this book Bobi details the many steps it takes to create one of these beauties.
(Creative American Craft series "Classic Jewelled Treasures" by Bobi Hall, 1973)
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Then I started searching for pictures of jewelled Christmas trees, both old and new and just loved the idea ….. I love the old, heavy, vintage frames and the fact that some even light up ….. oh Mon Dieu!!!!
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It’s too late to make one this year ….. but it’s an idea I am certainly considering for next year …… however, I don’t think I could be bare putting so much work into something that I would only have out for about three/four weeks of the year … because I am really funny about having decorations up for too long after Christmas Day ………. but I have a feeling I won’t be able to resist the temptation …… so I think I may have enough jewels, I just need a deep and ornate frame ……
Have a look on Pinterest …… where some of the examples just make my mouth water!!!!


  1. Hi Helen. What a lovely idea. Love the first one in particular. I understand what you mean about it only being on show for a few weeks a year but if you make one it could become a family heirloom! Take care.

  2. Certainly a smaller version would make this more manageable. On a simpler scale could make stunning cards to give rather than sending.
    Merry Christmas.

  3. Oh NO! I've joined pinterest! I spend enough time on the internet but it will be even longer!
    I previously avoided it, just couldn't resist.
    Thanks for showing the bejewelled christmas trees..........will have to do some now, certainly got enough broken jewellry bits and a mountain of beads!
    Have a great christmas! xxx

  4. Can anyone tell me if Bobi Hall is still
    alive, and if so, where abouts she's living????
    Thank you


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