Monday 23 December 2013

Christmas Cards 2013

My most favourite Christmas Cards every year are the ones that have been made for me. They are the ones that stay on my festive shelves the longest and are the ones that are always put away in my “special” drawer to keep and treasure,  as well as for inspiration.  These cards have popped through my Yuletide letter box in the past few weeks and I thought they deserved to be shared.
Winter wonderland cardThe first card came from Chris who “adopted” one of my monkeys, Benji,  a couple of years ago …… I immediately recognised the Accessorize snowman stickers from a couple of years back. I still pop into Accessorize now and again to look see what new stickers they have ….. but perhaps I’m just over them now, but in the past year or so I don’t think they have been a patch on past years (as above), when I used to rave on and on about them,  …. neither do I think that they are the value for money they used to be ……. which is a great shame! However I know that all great things sometimes have to pass.
let It Snow handmade cardThis next card is from Diane who also adopted two of my monkeys, naming them Hank and Marvin and always leaves such funny and lovely comments on my monkey blog. I just love it ….. and will use it as inspiration for using ribbons and charms more in the coming year ….. something I am always very nervous of.
card from DeniseAnd finally,  a card from the Equally Lovely Denise, The Lovely Laura’s Mum.  I know Denise has just got herself a Silhouette Cameo and has taken to using it like a duck to water, making me feel very inadequate, as my skills after goodness knows how many years are still very rudimentary.
Silhouette Cameo Christmas CardChristmas Tree Cut out Card
Perhaps another task for me to get to grips with in 2014, I have a monthly subscription for Silhouette templates and download regularly, only for them to linger unused amongst my files ……… perhaps I should aim to use at least one of them in a project each month!


  1. Looking forward to your Silhouette projects in 2014. Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Helen. These are lovely, hand made cards mean so much don't they :) I am sure that you will come up with some great projects next year,you are so clever and imaginative. Thank you for sharing this year. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.