Wednesday, 25 December 2013


There’s nothing left for me to say …… all our festive crafting should be done (heads up – it’s Valentines Day next!!!!!), all the fussing and fretting about what to get for who is over, and your turkey should be stuffed to high heaven and at this point probably in the oven ……..  so it’s finally here, as Slade are oft heard to sing every year, very, very  loudly ………….IT’S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!Santa gif
I hope you have a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL day ……. lots of presents, good food, but most of all lots of good memories in the making, that will long out last most of the presents, to stay with you for always. 
xxxxxxx With much love …. Helen xxxxxxx


  1. Happy Christmas Helen. I hope you have a wonderful day with those that you love. Thank you for your fab blog. Take care.

  2. Merry Christmas Helen - have a lovely day and I wish you all the very best for 2014.

    Big Hugs
    Toni xx

  3. A very happy Christmas Helen...... I hope you get to spend lots of precious time with your family and friends.
    Thank you for all your posts this year.
    Tilly x


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