Tuesday 24 December 2013

Santa’s Plate

I have to confess here and now that this Santa’s plate is a blatant and unabashed copy of one I saw when Googling.  I wanted to make my friend’s adopted son Jacob a special plate to leave out on Christmas Eve for their first Christmas together ….. I had the plate, the Sharpie pens ….. but no idea what I was going to do ……… and as I was soooo tired and time was of the element I copied the plate that was the easiest to do and that didn’t mention “cookies”!
Santa's PlateI used Sharpies permanent pens, I don’t think they will be that  hard wearing and wouldn’t dare put the plate in the dishwasher, but for something that is only used once a year …. with careful washing it should last for the next couple of years.


  1. I bet Jacob will love it. How kind of you! Merry Christmas to you.

  2. Oh how marvellous Helen! I'd have loved one as a child and I bet Jacob will be delighted!

    Merry Christmas!

    Hugs, Di xx

  3. Hi Helen. Love the plate. I still hadn't found the right one to give to our grandaughters, they all seem to specify what food and drink you must use, I have now! If you carefully, so there are no wrinkles on the top, cover it in cling film (removed after Santa has been)it will last for years. You won't be able to see it. I have done that with other plates and dishes with no problem. Happy Christmas and Thanks for blogging. Take care.

  4. Love it - lucky Jacob, that's a fabulous idea

    Merry Christmas Helen & so glad to see that you decided to continue blogging


  5. Hi Helen

    Merry Christmas!! Love the plate! I had done some googling myself for a friend who wanted to give her parents some xmas mugs decorated by the kids, i found that bloggers were saying if you put your plate/mug in a cold oven then heat it up and 'bake' the item the ink will stay on longer, but it might affect the vibrancy of the colours??

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox

  6. Hi Helen

    What a fabulous plate :) I love it, I hope Jacob does too.
    Merry Christmas

    Jackie and Bob


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