Saturday 27 September 2014

A Couple Of Heads Up …….

I have to say that the Poundshops of Wolverhampton are disappointing on the Halloween front this year with regards to stickers …. not a one!  I think this is going to be a duff year for finding interesting stuff to alter and craft with.  I would have liked to have found some skeleton hands as I had an idea or two for them  …….. but it’s all a bit same old, same old, and a little bit uninspiring.  But there’s still time and I’ll keep on looking.
However, it’s worth having a look in Wilkos  as they some nice little bits and pieces, especially as they are priced up at 65p-ish a bag for spiders, bats and skeletons.
0334938_lAnd I am wanting this lantern (£5) which would look great at the bottom of my garden sitting on a gnarled tree trunk stump!
Primark Light Up Christmas Tree JumperAlso ……. Christmas jumpers are now rearing their head in Primark (men's dept.) I wandered round with the light up Christmas Pudding for about 20 minutes before putting it back …. as I kept on reasoning that I really do have enough Christmas jumpers ….. and the ones with lights were £18.  But ……. I might, just might have to go back!!!!
Primark Light Up Christmas Pudding JumperThey had a other designs priced at £9 which were musical …….. and this year the designs aint half bad!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen. I have a similar ceramic pumpkin that is about 6". I would love to have a big one so I'm off to look at the Wilko website now.
    Go on, you know you are going to get the Christmas tree jumper don't you: ))
    It will keep calling to you until you give in! Take care.


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