Sunday 11 December 2016

Framed Old Jewellery Collage

I have decorated the frames of old mirrors with old jewellery before, but have never done a collage (?), so this is my first attempt.
Framed jewellery collageI’ll be honest, I am not 100% about the black background.  It might look better on some velvet fabric.  Perhaps one day, when I’ve nothing better to do, I might look for some suitable fabric and change it.  I am not sure how much of the main body of the piece would fall apart, it should be pretty tough as I used E900 clue, but it wouldn’t be too hard to put together again, and maybe add some more bits.
The Ribba shadow box frame came from Ikea, it measures 23 x 23cm and cost £3.50.


  1. It's beautiful! My sister has done some shadow box collages, too, and I love hers, as well. I've not tried it myself. I think you could sell these, Helen, especially if they were done for a specific family using their loved one's old jewelry.

  2. it looks stunning as it is to me, but then again, you see it in real life!

  3. Your collage is lovely, I think it looks perfect against the black background.


  4. The black is a lovely contrast to the jewellery. The piece looks beautiful.
    Toni xx

  5. Beautifully collaged pieces. I like the black background. Not sure that any other colour would show them off like this.


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