Saturday 10 December 2016

Keeping The Momentum Going …………

I hope you don't mind that my posts won’t be all about crafts in the run up to Christmas or over New Year. Coming back to blogging came as a bit of a surprise to me, it really was a matter of one day sitting down at the computer and starting again from scratch. But it's that time of year when there's a lot things going on do, so rather than keep stopping and starting, I thought would fill the days by showing you a bit more of my new home, posting more of my charity shop finds, as well as a couple of crafty ideas.
Cottage Garden
Plus …… I am off to spend a few days with Marc next week at the cottage in Worcester, this place is a constant source of inspiration to me, so I am hoping Marc will allow me to share a few pictures of the things that I love so much there.  I am not sure if we will have time to craft, between pints of vodka and coke, boxes of Maltesers or watching reality TV, but you never know! 
gardenI promise the crafting will start with vengeance in the New Year, I have already ordered a few bits and pieces, but if you could just bear with me!


  1. That looks lovley. hugs Mrs A.
    I have some very naughty elves staying with me at the moment so blogging crafty stuff is on the back burner here too.

  2. It's so nice to see slices of your real life as well, blogging is not just about crafting (or is it just that we are nosey? )obviously, you have a real life and we understand the grandchildren cannot be shown, but going for coffee or shopping with you is also lovely to read about..... enjoy your time with Marc..... we even need to see the pints of vodka--- but not the results after quaffing said drink !!lol

  3. What a beautiful setting. I can see why it inspires you. I enjoy ALL your posts, whether they include a craft project or not.

  4. It is lovely seeing how you are settling in to your new home so don't worry about us...we are enjoying your journey.
    Toni xx


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