Wednesday 23 August 2017

Little House Christmas Tree Decorations Revisited.

Little House Christmas Tree DecorationIn the same vain as yesterday, when I looked again at these little wooden house tree decorations I made a while ago using a craft inspired charity shop find, they didn’t look quite right…….. not really Christmassy enough.
Wooden brick village toy_thumb[5]IMG_3760
…so I thought, why not try the Ranger Enamel Accents touch on them too …
Christmas House Tree DecorationsIt worked! It was fiddly, as the houses are quite small and I have sausage fingers, and I found that too much enamel in one go could lead to a few drips which then had to be carefully removed ……Christmas House Tree Decorations.…….. but even just the tiniest touch around the bottom just gave the houses that Christmassy finish they were so lacking.
IMG_3780So far I have resisted the urge to give the newly added snow a dusting of translucent glitter, I think that could be glitter overkill ……IMG_3785.  ……. but I did decide to add a snowflake charm and red bead to the hanging thread, which I think is probably enough.


  1. i just love theses and the snow cap does finish it of you could try a little glitter on one or two just to see ,christmas is the one time you can never have to much glitter lol great make we need to look out for more little houses buildings etc big love marc

  2. Oh these are lovely Helen! Have you tried Wink of Stella clear sparkle brushes yet? They do all colours but the clear is just the right touch of 'schparkle' and it's in a tube with a fine brush so it's easy to apply, dries fast and also is quite a delicate shimmer. Although, I like these as they are needless to say.


    Di (and the boys who are driving me crazy fighting over their PJ sets - which are identical anyhow!)

  3. You are building quite a collection of ornaments, aren't you? These little houses are really sweet. I love the additions to them.

  4. I'm loving these fab Christmas ideas.
    I've been a visitor here for a few years now (and check in every day to see what The Boys are up to, of course!) but haven't really commented. Very remiss of me- especially as I LURVE this site! I've used a few of the ideas in the classroom (I'm a TA in a primary school), too, which the kids have really enjoyed.

    Anyhow- these little things popped up on my facebook feed this morning and I thought immediately of how you may decorate them! Not bad eh? I've got my eye on the Advent tree.

    Have a faberooney day
    Tracy :)


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