Tuesday 22 August 2017

Why Not So Many Fiddle Fart Cards These Days ……

I thought I ought to explain why I am not making as many cards as I used to at the moment, to be honest I just don’t need to make the quantities I used to now I am not at work. If I do eventually have a small craft stall in the run up to Christmas there are an awful lot of people who also make them so I could find myself up against competition. There is also the matter of “sensible” pricing with shops now selling cards at £1 or less, the work in a handcrafted card to sell, in time and materials just can’t compete. Making tags and charms is a little bit different and I hope that in making them in more substantial materials like wood, metal or plastic they can offer a longer life and perhaps a lasting memory if they are then used as a Christmas Tree ornament, well that’s my reasoning anyway.
My plan, if I do have a stall, is to wrap up a few small boxes in plain paper, most likely to be in brown, white or red to show the potential of the tags and charms with a little ribbon or string etc.
However, as Christmas nears I expect I will be featuring a few cards, I already have a some ideas, but I won’t be making more than two or three of each design, a hard habit to break I know. I will make enough for a blog post and then perhaps one or two extra to make up a box for Iris for Nursery, and Tom and Laura, and Lucy to send to help save them a bit of money during what is an expensive time.


  1. I guess our crafting habits need to change with our lives. I often wonder how long I'll continue making cards. And then I think, well, as long as I can see well enough to do them and as long as people still appreciate them.

  2. its good to try other things and i think your on the right lines if your going to do a craft stall you could just have a few that match your tags or your tags can go on big love marc


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