Friday 26 October 2018


I nipped into Worcester yesterday (23rd October) and found almost all their Christmas craft stuff was “Buy One Get One Free” – the lady in the shop said the offer was on all the red topped packets if that is any help to you and I don’t think the offer is online, it’s in store only as far as I can see.  She also wasn’t sure how long the offer was on for.
Now, I am pretty well stocked up, but it would have been rude not to have a mooch and spend erm…….. £4.
Spending just £1 on each of them  I am certain of a wonderful afternoon spent with Iris and Bertie when nursery and school is out for Christmas fiddle farting.
Bertie, last Christmas aged 20 months totally absorbed painting his suncatcher.
I got them both a snowman suncatcher and foam tree knowing that they can also rifle through Nanny’s drawers, if you’ll pardon the expression, for a few extra bits and bobs. If the offer is on when I go into town next I might get a few more bits …… 50p ….. what price peace?
I also treated myself to four packs of these layered snowmen embellishments as I think I will be able to make some really cute cards using them – 16 for just £2 it’s a steal!


  1. i love to rummage through your draws when i come to see you they are always full of fab things talking of fab things i love the snow man and yes would make some great cards big love marc ,

  2. Fabulous finds! Your grands will forever remember how fun it was crafting with you.


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