Monday 29 October 2018

MIni Decorated Christmas Printers Tray

This mini decorated Christmas printers tray measures 22cm x 10cm and originally housed a set of wooden alphabet letters from The Works.
mini christmas printers tray decoration.
I’ll be honest, I am not 100% about the elongated oblong shape, I just think a square, six section decoration is somehow a much cuter size, but what do I know?
Mini CHristmas Printers Tray
I also admit to being a bit rusty as far as my printers trays go, if I remember rightly, in the past I have put a couple of foam pads behind the background papers to bring the embellishments that tiny bit more forward.
It took me a while to finally pluck up the courage to colour the outside and dividing slats of the tray with a red Sharpie pen, without it it looked a little unfinished, but I was wary that despite my gut feeling the added colour could possibly ruin the overall effect, fortunately my worries were proved wrong and I think it really makes the tray look all the more Christmassy and complete.
christmas printers tray
I’ve used bits and pieces left over from many Christmas’s past and then further embellished them with extra stars, flat backed gems, glitter,stickers and Glossy Accents.
mini christmas printers tray decoration..
The one thing I learned on this project was to write Santa’s Letter in black biro, my first effort somehow got wet and smudged and had to be done all over again.
This tray is destined for my lovely neighbours Kata and Laci as a special festive keepsake in place of a card which more than like end up in the bin after Christmas or get recycled.


  1. Your decorated tray looks fantastic, what a brilliant idea to give this instead of a card.


  2. wish I had the patience for fiddly little projects, it is a little work of art and will be loved more than a card

  3. It’s really pretty and you were right to colour the wood red.

  4. the more i see the more i want lol big love marc

  5. Your tray is beautiful! I love the added red color. It really does finish it off nicely.


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