Tuesday 19 February 2019

Advent Drawer Tuesday

I really thought both of these drawers were finished, but now looking at them again in the pictures, me thinks there’s still a bit more fiddle fart to be done.

The sleigh needs a good dusting of glitter around the top, as well as the numbers and holly needing a layer or two of Ranger Glossy Accents and on top of that I don’t think a couple of clusters of three tiny white dots would go amiss round the stars.

And the bear drawer, well, he could also do with a little glitter on his hat and boots, some jewels on his tree and a little black faux stitching round the edges of the number background.  I always go back to my Advent drawers a week or so later with fresh eyes, it’s one of the very few projects I do where less is more flies out of the window and enough never seems to be be quite enough!


  1. It's fun to watch your progression through the fiddle-farting stages of your creativity!

  2. I am loving your Christmas all year ideas. I say every year that I will make my Christmas all year round and every year I still have that last minute December rush. I will learn ..... one day😁 Karen x

  3. you said it all pal you said it all big love marc


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