Wednesday 20 February 2019

Cards From Christmas 2018–Fiddle Fart Guest Crafter No.4

A final selection of some of the cards I received over Christmas 2018

I love the idea of “The Night Before Christmas” ….. I need to come up with an similar idea for a card particularly for Bertie as he very much likes a clock.  The card is from Mrs A (another Monkey adopter,who was also part of the Swindon Monkey reunion and fellow crafter and blogger)   The image had been stamped and coloured and I believe the text typed and cut out(?).

Mrs A was also the maker of the felt Elf on the Shelf you may have noticed in my Christmas decor posts.

The snowstorm card from my mate Karan was not “handmade” as such, but I added it as a reminder of something I again need visit sometime in the coming months.  I love the idea …… it just seems to be a bit fiddly ….. although I am sure Marc will put me right on that one.  Another rainy day project for us …. perhaps when I pay my annual Eurovison Weekend visit in May?

And last but not least ……. a card made by Bertie which I treasure.

He isn’t an Iris when it comes to crafting, he will always ask to “craft” but he is far more interested in the tools we use and how they work than actually putting glue on paper and sticking.

If I’d let him he’d spend hours just cutting on my slidey cutter.


  1. Lovely cards from treasured friends! And Bertie is such a doll. So cute that he likes to cut paper with your cutter.

  2. little Bertie is the coolest boy i know he walks like one of the munchkins from the lollipop guild he can rock out a fairy princess frock with the best of them and loves all things mechanical and practical he melts your heart in a min he is polite well mannered and so caring he makes me smile till my ears ache ps i love all the handcrafted cards big love marc


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