Monday 25 February 2019

Moroccan Style Beaded Lamp – Revamped …… Again

Following on from last week and my revamped bathroom lightshade using drops from a charity shop chandelier find, I have now tackled one of the two matching lamps in my spare bedroom.
A few months back I went over the beads with a Sharpie pens to make the colours a little more vivid, but now I have gone the whole hog and added a whole new set of drops and I am pretty thrilled with how it’s all turned out.
When I looked I found that there were holes all the way around the shade that originally didn’t hold a drop, so I went overboard putting a new drop in each.  It took a little while to work out a pattern all the way round using the “spare” drops that I had left over from the re-vamped bathroom shade, the drops already on the lamp and finally the drops from the charity shop chandelier, if that all makes sense.  I left some of the beads their original amber colour, some I re-coloured red, half of the original pointed lamp drops I coloured over with turquoise and any added clear beads were coloured purple ……phew!  And then …… in for a penny in for a pound, I decided to add clear flat back gems in the centre of the flowers on the top of the shade and on the centre pillar.   Not to everyone’s taste I know, but very me.
But now, looking at the “After” photo I can see the rings look a little too big ….. here I go again …… watch this space, I have some small jump rings to look for.  I really need to get a life …… and there’s the other lamp to do as well!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty! It appears you have a great deal of fun revamping home décor items like this--and you have a real talent for it. Thanks so much for sharing them online.


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