Wednesday 28 August 2019

6th (Iron) Wedding Anniversary Card

This card measures 5.5ins x 5.5ins and is made using a handcut grey coloured card.
Tom and Laura been married for six years this August.  Where has the time gone?   The traditional gifts associated with six years of marriage are either sweets or iron, so with Tom being a scientist I decided to go down the chemistry route for the theme of their card, chosing to cut a grey card blank as it was the closest to an iron colour that I had and then finding the chemical name for iron, not being the slightest bit scientific I didn't have a clue, doh! 
I coloured over the multi coloured patterns of an uppercase "F" and lowercase "e" with a black Sharpie pen to make them look more "proper" looking.  The small 2 and 6 came from a Tim Holtz Idea-ology label letters pad.
The silver card frame came from a pack of 30 from The Works (£3).  I ordered them blind from The Works website as they must have been really new and no picture was available, but I was really chuffed when they arrived, and will probably order another pack before they disappeared. 

I put a scrap of white card behind the frame, added the letters and numbers and then positioned the whole frame in the centre of the card blank, it couldn't have been any more simple, which is very much my thing at the moment. 


  1. Simple? Yes. Perfect for the occasion? Absolutely! It's such a novel idea to use the elemental letters for iron, and the simple layout lets the Fe be the focus. Love it!

  2. Gosh...those frames are beautiful, well worth £3...I can't believe it is 6 years since you made all those favors and stuff for the wedding.


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