Thursday 29 August 2019

Framed Aqua Bead Pictures

With Lucy's birthday coming up Iris and Bertie naturally wanted to make something very special to give to Auntie Lu Lu out came the Aqua Beads.
Iris has become something of an expert in using them and is now confident enough to change the colours from those on the template. After making her little girl figure and fish she then created a background on which to set them, before I found a box frame to put her creation in.
Bertie, not wishing to be out done by his big sister asked if he could do one, putting together his first ever aqua bead penguin with only the minimum of help from Nanny. He was sooooooooooooo chuffed with himself.  I have a feeling that this could very well be the first of many.  I am thinking, using said penguin design, that we also have the makings of a few more small fairing Christmas presents to put together during the run up to Christmas.
I have quite a stash of small white picture frames under the bed for such occasions. Seeing their pictures being framed helps give little ones a real sense that their work is valued, as well as being a present that just cannot fail to melt any heart, especially those of Great Grandma's and doting Aunts.


  1. These are just precious. How fun to put such joy in your grandchildren's eyes. They'll be so proud to give these gifts.

  2. Two great projects-I love Bertie’s penguin.


  3. two beautiful works of art, they must both feel really proud now they are framed


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