Tuesday 3 March 2020

A Rainbow Jumper For Bertie

I have started knitting again! Well, I have just completed the back of a jumper so far.
Bertie loves wearing bright colours and said he'd like a rainbow jumper, so I decided to take the plunge. The pictures (above and below) don't do the colours justice, as the dark blue is actually purple and the cream, lemon.  About 30 odd years ago, when Tom and Lu were small, I was never without some knitting on the go, but as they grew up hand knits weren't what they wanted to wear, so I started crafting. However I kept my knitting bag, needles etc. until I moved to Evesham when I gave them all to a charity shop along with all my patterns .........
......... except for my hand knitted by Helen Geddes labels and two 1950s patterns, that were knit for me and my brothers way back when (the cross over neck style) and then I knitted, after tracking the pattern down on e-bay for Tom. It was so easy to knit and sew up and looked so stylish and just a bit different. I might even knit another for Master Bertie yet.
I bought the 100 gram balls of wool from the Crafters Companion store  up at The Valley, just outside Evesham.  It cost £1.99 per ball.  I cadged the knitting needles of other Granny Denise.  However, if I decide I still rather like knitting there is a charity shop in Evesham that has hundreds for just 20p a pair.
The pattern is also from Granny Denise and is as old as the Lovely Laura, in fact I am pretty sure I had the same pattern which I used adapt for my two, using my own designs rather than Thomas.

Hopefully this project won't take me too long to complete, though I have to admit it's not entirely been plain sailing with quite a few dropped stitches needing to be picked up plus a few rows having to be undone and reworked ........ so watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great so far. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished item.


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