Monday 2 March 2020

Felt Easter Carrot Brooches/PIns

This is just an Easter idea I am playing with using the self adhesive carrot embellishments I found at The Works this year.
There are sixteen carrots per pack for £1 and measure very approximately 4.5cms at their longest by 2.5cms at their widest.
My first initial was they would make cute pin badges for Iris and Bertie to wear at Easter and I think they worked out pretty OK.  As they had a self adhesive backing I simply stuck self adhesive cotton fabric scraps on the back and then applied a couple of coats of PVA glue to help stiffen it.  I then used E6000 glue to attach the small bar pin fastenings to, hopefully, really secure them.
The final touch just had to be a pair of googly eyes each  ......... I think they will go down well with the dynamic duo.  I might make a few more, but if I do, I would most likely put them on a small presentation gift card to make them look a bit more professional!

The carrots have a "certain""potential for card making, but for the moment I am looking to Pinterest for that inspiration for ideas beyond Easter.

1 comment:

  1. I can see that the googly eyes were key to the Easter cuteness of these brooches. They will look great on Iris and Bertie. Fun idea!


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