Tuesday 5 May 2020

Halloween Truck - Almost Done

Today I have more to show you on how my Halloween Truck is coming along. The drawers all but finished (some just need Halloween papers put on the insides) so I have moved onto the truck itself, with, I admit, a little trepidation, because I don’t really have any concrete ideas as to where to go with it, it’s all very trial and error I am afraid.
I started with the back first, covering it with a orange/purple patterned paper and then making two separate door panels that will, hopefully, give it a little extra dimension………
Halloween Truck
……. adding two resin frames,
………. and colouring them with a green Sharpie pen …..
…… before creating two little scenes  with spooky sticker characters to give the impression that they are looking out from the back of the truck. They look OK, but I think it still needs a little something else, if only a couple of handles but I have left things as they are for now while I have another think about it.
Halloween Truck
I am also experimenting with the roof, using the same paper as the door and some lengths from Halloween straws round the edges, again another work in progress.  The current idea is to cover some small lidless boxes in assorted papers that when filled with sweets can be arranged on the top?????? 
I’ve gone round all the edges with a white gel pen, which I think works adding the skulls on the doors and front of the truck which came off  the straws used for the roof edging.  They will eventually have a layer of Ranger Glossy Accents put on them.
Halloween Advent Truck
I am chuffed with the skeletons, I had to chop their legs off in order to fit in the cab, but they appear to have stayed in position with the help of a generous dollop of super glue.  I was able to bend one of the arms and hands using my heat embossing gun.
I am now thinking of giving them both a hat, either a witches one or a top hat using Fimo?
That’s as far as I have got so far, it really is a slow work in progress. There isn’t that much more to do, but I am wondering if I could possibly varnish over the black acrylic paint without it running everywhere. It’s the final bits of fiddle fart that will “make or break it” so I know I need to get them right, no pressure then ……. but hopefully you’ll hang on in there for the final episode in the next week or so.


  1. I really like the paper you used on the roof and I think those straws are a nice touch. The skeletons look great! A top hat would "top" them off nicely. :)

  2. Just as well you made an early start lol... it's coming together amazingly well and will be worth all the 'brain nudging ' I love the skeletons, they work so well.


  3. I think it's absolutely brilliant!

  4. Love the skeletons....just what i’m looking for...where did you get them pretty please? 😊

  5. Love LOVE LOVE LOVE IT, don't worry about it it's going to be perfect you have the eye and talent it's fantastic I want and need it big love marc


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