Wednesday 6 May 2020

Too Much Time To Think In Lockdown

I love my spare bedroom, I have just got it about right, but living in lockdown has finally got to me and I am beginning to think just a little harder than perhaps I ought to ……….
……. because much as I love the room, especially when I dress it for Christmas,  it doesn’t really “earn its keep”, it’s used about once a month for visitors or baby sleepovers but for the rest of the time it just seems to breed dust  and a store for all crafty tools and materials.  I pop in and out to search for or collect bits and pieces, which always results in a whole host of open boxes being left all over the bed ……..
……. as well as others being transported into the lounge, which then annoys the hell out of me, as I am sure I have mentioned a hundred times before. Then when I’ve finish working, I have two rooms to tidy away.  It’s weird, but it only takes a couple of things on the table to make the lounge “feel/look” like a bombsite and I know that the whole palaver often puts me off even starting a project, hence the thinking ………. 
It’s something Marc has suggested many times, why not simply replace the bed for a sofa bed?  The space between the two fitted drawer units only gives me 155cms to work with, but after a bit of searching I finally found this one which measures 145cms at it’s widest. 
sofa b
I am thinking mustard or teal. I am currently bombarding the company that makes it with questions …….. however, won’t be doing anything until lockdown is over, giving me plenty of time to really think about it.
Replacing the bed with a sofa will give me more than enough room to slide my Ikea gateleg table from the kitchen area to the window in the bedroom (very much as it is already).
Then, when visitors stay it would be nothing to just slide it back again.  In the meantime I gain a little more space in the kitchen and when Iris and Bertie come over, they will have the option of playing with their toys in another room and I can just shut the door if I don't want to tidy up immediately, which also goes for when I am crafting, not to mention all my crafting stuff now being at arms length.
h is the nearest example I can find to how I sort of envisage it, minus coffee table etc.
I will need to find a place for the existing bedding but I have more than enough room in the fitted wardrobes in my bedroom, especially if I order a couple more vacuum storage bags.  The kettle, cups etc. will remain so that I can make a drink without going in the kitchen, however I may have to absorb or cull some of the stuff currently stored under the bed at the moment. I may buy a WiFi radio too save moving my other from room to room plus it’s nice for guest to listen to at night or in the morning.
So, that’s the theory, I have more or less worked it all out and should be able to finance it using all the money I haven’t been spending due to lockdown.  I think it all makes sense ……. I have just got to commit.


  1. I think you've landed on a fabulous idea! It seems to me you'd get so much more use and enjoyment out of the room if you made the suggested changes. And, hey, why not? You enjoy crafting, you're good at it, and you need a dedicated space for it. I say, go for it!

  2. A sofa bed sound like the perfect idea to make your spare room more multi functional.


  3. Great idea, everyone should have crafty space so that you dont have to hump too much stuff about, and you will probably craft more always a plus

  4. Great idea - we did that with a spare bedroom as well and it works perfectly, both as a study for Len and a bedroom when the girls come from Germany to stay. You won't regret it! x

  5. you know what Rick and I think its the perfect space for you and I love the idea of it in mustard as that will go with lots of other colours if you decide to paint in the future just jump in and do it you know you will love it when you do big love marc


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