Wednesday 29 July 2020

Charity Shop Shopping

I am finally feeling more human again now that I can get out and mooch the 4/5 charity shops that have now re-opened in Evesham. I never know quite what I am looking for, I just know it when I see it, something I can craft with or kitsch bits of bric a brac that make me smile, that I can put on my shelves for a while and then re-donate when I find something else to replace them, put towards our family sack of Boxing Day Tut at Christmas  ……..  or even flip for a small profit to help with Christmas etc.


This tealight stand cost me all of 80p, it was the autumn leaves and acorns that did it for me, as it would look lovely on my dining table from September onwards, including Halloween (with a few added spiders), especially with orange tea-lights. I just need to find three tealight holders to go with it, which should be pretty easy as every charity shop seems to have  a little pile of them.

autumn tealight holder

When I did my homework I found out that was made for Partylite, who sell online and via party plan ……..IMG_6397

…… and would have probably been quite expensive when new.


On the Facebook Charity Shop Shit page I am on, everyone seems to be collecting these ugly face pots, so when I saw these two for £1.99 each I thought I may as well join in as they would look quirky on my kitchen shelf above the sink.  I don’t think they are Sylvac, which are the more collectable variety, but when I get bored with them I think they are something I could put on eBay.

Syrup Glazed Gnome

The vintage treacle glaze gnome and honey pot bear, cost me all of 50p each. There is one gnome on eBay with a current asking price of £14.99 (???) and a couple of bears at around the £5 mark.  I think the bear will go into the Boxing Day tut with a few sweets or an individual jar of honey (like what you get in hotels). I am not sure about the gnome, at the moment I can see him looking over a pot of cactus’s I seriously need to transfer into a larger bowl (when I can find one)  …….

Dartmouth Widdecombe Fair Sugar Bowl

I had looked at this Widdecombe Fair sugar bowl on the shelf, but couldn’t make my mind up about it, but when the lady on the till told me that she couldn’t put my items through as they came to under £1, I grabbed it for 50p to make the money up.  It’s currently my “bits” pot by the sink.  There should be a milk jug to got with it.  Current asking prices on eBay are between £8 – 9.  It may be worth a punt but if it didn’t sell, it again will probably end up in the “tut” bag with sweets or smellies in …… or perhaps even a cactus?

Vintage Scotch and Soda Scarf

Last, but not least a Scotch and Soda scarf for £1, (no, I had never heard of them either until I looked up the label)  I wasn’t that keen on the fringe, but otherwise I loved the colours that go perfectly with a couple of new tops I have bought (non charity shop).  I think it may be classed as vintage, having a date is handy. Whether it has ever been worn it all that time is doubtful looking at the condition and unbelievably current designs by the same company sell for silly money, probably more than one of my complete outfits ………….

Well, that’s me for today, the last of the big spenders, looking, hopefully, to a day of charity shop mooching in Hereford later this week, a birthday treat of sorts for my daughter who, if it wasn’t for this flipping virus would have been spending it in Euro Disney with Iris and Bertie and all the family …… bum!!!

1 comment:

  1. So many interesting finds. I love seeing what you find and reading what you plan to do with them. Thanks for sharing!


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