Monday 3 August 2020

Let It Snow Snowman Christmas Tree Ornament

This is an idea that just came together beautifully, without too much faff or the need for amendment .……..

Let It Snow Christmas Tree Snowman Craftstick ornament

………. using small, coloured (also available in plain) craft sticks from Hobbycraft (£1 for 50) and cute little wooden snowmen embellishments, also from Hobbycraft (6 for £1)


I put the house together first, sticking with PVA glue.

Craftstick House Christmas Tree Ornament Bauble

I put a plastic snowflake to the roof, plus the sentiment using my trusty old Dymo label maker. Aleene’s Glitter Snow was then used on the edges of the roof and on and around the shelf,  followed by a liberal sprinkling of translucent, ultra fine glitter before being left to dry.

Craftstick Let It Snow Snowman Christmas Tree Ornament Bauble

While everything was drying I added tiny black gems to the eyes and buttons of the snowman and added the iridescent polystyrene balls (Poundland) round the bottom once the snowman was fixed in place.  A scattering of three dots, using a white gel pen finish off the design.


I have almost run out of the tiny disc findings which have been so useful and unobtrusive on projects over the years, after searching for hours I couldn’t find any more, but did find these even tinier, flat metal flowers from China to which I have added an equally tiny bail which I think has made an equally effective way of adding a thread by which to hang the decoration.

I used all the red and green sticks from the packet, but have plenty of yellow,  orange, purple and blue ones left over. The yellow ones will work well for spring/Easter and the purple and orange will be perfect for Halloween, I just need to see what Halloween embellishments, I have, if any, to use with them, if not I will just have to wait for Halloween bits and pieces to hit the shops in September.

Having been impressed by the snowmen I have ordered a few more packs as I want to make more of these decorations, plus I can see them on a few other projects I have in mind.  Happy Days!

1 comment:

  1. These look perfect--like something you'd find in a Christmas shop! Love those little snowballs that you added. I'm also looking forward to seeing what you come up with for Halloween.


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