Wednesday 28 April 2021

Malvern Flea and Collectors Fair – April 2021

Oh my goodness, it was so wonderful on Sunday (just gone) to begin to feel “normal” again, when Lu and I took the plunge, going over to Malvern for the April Flea and Collectors Fair at The Three Counties Showground (entrance £5).


We were so excited we were out of The Towers  at just before eight o’clock, packed lunches at the ready, arriving just before nine o’clock.  It felt soooooo good and the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold…….


…… and where I had made my one and only purchase of the day within 10 minutes of getting through the gates …….. spending all of £1 on this tiny ship in a bottle, something that’s been on my list of fiddle fart fancies for ages! I was chuffed and done!


Lu held on to her hard earned cash for a little bit longer, but finally broke her duck on this very cute, small, lidded jug that I found in a £1 box, she hivered and hovered until I pointed out “It’s only a pound!”, you can’t even get a third of a cup of coffee for that!


It’s perfect for the tray in her spare bedroom/current home office, in fact, after she had made her considered purchase I did wonder why I hadn’t bagsed it for myself!


A small enamel saucepan (for her hard boiled eggs) was also on Lu’s list,  and low and behold there was a pitch where the grass was just covered with Eastern European saucepans, jugs, colanders, casseroles, you name it, all with varying degrees of chipping, as you would expect with enamel, but Lu spotted this one with cherries (above), on finding it the gentleman then told her to “find your lid”, they were every where, but then I spotted a red one, and it only fit!  It’s not an original marriage but it works and the price paid? £4, Lu was one happy bunny!


There was so much to see, we walked around for four solid hours, hitting almost every stall. I admit I didn’t take that many pictures, there was so much stuff but nothing that really hit my “object of desire” spot.  There were plenty of ohhh ahhhh moments, Lu in particular was looking at 60’s/70’s old fashioned wheeled “drinks” trolleys and I, as ever, couldn’t resist the odd bit of religious kitsch.

There is another fair at the end of May ……. hopefully our feet will have recovered by then and we will be up for another adventure into the unknown, mooching and looking for prize tut!

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