Monday 3 May 2021

My Mahooooooosive New Daily Notebook …….

I am so sorry, today is a Bank Holiday and I don’t think there will be any crafts this week, but you never know! It’s just that with lockdown restrictions lifting and the weather being not so bad I’ve been getting out more and dare I say beginning to book/organise a few weekends away later in the summer/autumn.


However, rather than have no posts at all I thought I would chill and show/tell what I’ve been up to.


Soooooooo, you know since moving to Evesham I have come to gradually love The Works, it took me a while to get into them, but as the only vaguely crafty shop I can get to personally, it’s now always one of my port of calls when I am in town and this week I found the most MAHOOOOSIVE bargain ever in there ……….


…… to wit this giant notebook! It’s huge and when I saw that it had been reduced from £35 to £1 it was a no brainer.  I think the bottom may have come off it’s box, but that was headed in the bin anyway as it serves no purpose. There are lined pages, blank pages, diary pages plus pages for recipes, big ideas, my family tree, but they will all probably be ignored ………


……… this tome is destined to replace my trusty old “Things To Do” notebook (Home Bargains £1.89), beside my laptop, on my desk. It’s contents are not going to be all pretty and neat, but everything’s going to be in there …….


……… ideas for crafting, ideas for monkey posts, bill paying, my daily to do list etc. etc. but in a far more glamourous wrapping. It’s also probably going to last me forever, so in turn saving a fortune in new notebooks.  A pound?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is definitely a large notebook. I think your grandchildren will love reading it when they are grown. It will bring back precious memories of their time with Nana.


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